Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bangkok Part 2

We spent about 6 days total in Bangkok, so I had to break up my time here into two parts!  

The Grand Palace
Bangkok Part 2 starts off with a tour of the Grand Palace!  It was the residence for all the Kings of Siam from 1782 to 1925.  It is still used for royal events and ceremonies today.  Lesley and I outside of the Grand Palace.  It was a beautiful day, as you can see in the picture!  

In order to enter the palace gates, you have to be modestly dressed.  This meant no shorts, shoulders had to be covered, and no flip flops could be worn.  Unfortunately, this meant that Aaron couldn't come in because he had on shorts.

Lesley inside the palace.

It was a wonderful experience getting to look around the palace and admire the structures.  They were so ornate.  The pictures do not do it justice!  It was one of the coolest places I have ever seen!

Lesley and I chilling on some of the steps with our bare feet again! (No shoes could be worn on the inner parts of some of the buildings)

For some reason, this section of the palace reminded me of Disney World. 

Just chilling in a garden.

More elephants!

Just the usual pose

Joyce Meyers and Healing Place Chrch
The hostel we stayed at in Bangkok was a Xian Guest House.  The first day we got there, we noticed a poster for an event happening in Bangkok later that week.  It had Joyce Meyers on it and Healing Place Chrch.  We, of course, wanted to go, so we bought tickets and headed out to the arena after touring the Grand Palace.  I couldn't get over that HPC was there the same time I was!  If you don't know, they are a chrch in Baton Rouge.  Lesley and I were pumped to be able to hear from Joyce Meyers and get to listen to a pas tor, Dino Rizzo, from my hometown.  I love our small fellowship that we have here in China, but sometimes I miss the atmosphere of a larger chrch service.  It was wonderful to get to wrship with HPC band and with the Thai people.  Although the arena wasn't completely full, it was still incredible to see the Thai people and their love for HIM!  Unfortunately, I only have one picture that turned out. We had the cheap seats up at the top.

Floating Market
The next day, we headed out for a tour that included the Floating Market, elephant riding, and a Thai culture show.  First up was the Floating Market!  It is basically exactly what it sounds like, a market that floats!  All of the goods that are being sold are on boats, including knock off purses. 

Aaron on the boat ready to check it all out!

Lesley and I are always ready for touristy shopping excursions!

Once we got to the market, we changed boats and were rowed around by a Thai lady.

They sold all kinds of things at the market, including fruits, drinks, clothes, hats, bags, etc.

The three of us on our boat!

This is a view of the market from a bridge that overlooks it.

You could also walk along the market as well, so after our boat tour we did some shopping!  I bought only bought a few things...haha

Elephant Riding
Get ready because this was my favorite part of our entire time in Bangkok!  Lesley and Aaron knew that one of my ultimate goals, while in Thailand, was to ride an elephant.  I have loved elephants since being one in the Pre-K circus at my elementary school.  I was literally like a giddy child all day and couldn't wait to get to ride one!  
Lesley and I arriving at the Elephant Village!

Lesley and I sitting on our elephant!

Our tour guide was awesome and let us get out of our seats and sit on the actual elephant (not all of the tour guides did this)!  He must have known how excited I was! haha

Aaron relaxing on his elephant!

The three of us on our elephants!

Our tour guide!

A picture sitting on top of the elephant!

Our Toms on the back of the elephant.  I was very surprised at how hairy the elephants were.

Lesley's turn to guide the elephant!

Last picture of me with an elephant, I promise!

We got to ride the elephants for about 40 minutes and it was an amazing time!  I am so glad I had the opportunity to do so while in Thailand!

Thai Culture Show

Our tour ended with an elephant show and a Thai culture show at the Rose Gardens.  The elephant show ended up being a slight disappointment because it was only 10 minutes long and not much happened.  The Thai show was interesting though and included dancing, boxing, and acting.

Thai dancers

Thai boxing

Acting out an authentic Thai wedding

More dancing (This one was my favorite!)

Last Day
Our last day in Bangkok was very short because our plane left that night.  We spent the day doing some last minute shopping and of course eating as much Western food as possible before heading back to China!  We found out a shopping mall near us had a Krispy Kreme in it, so we were determined to find it.  We did!

At the mall, there was a wax museum that Lesley really wanted to go to, but it was too expensive and we were limited on time.  Luckily, Britney Spears was outside and you could take a picture with her!  Lesley and Brit rocking it out in Thailand!

Krispy Kreme's were the best!  Although they don't compete with Mary Lee's back home!

Last picture from Bangkok!  We ate lunch with our good friend Melodie, who teaches in Wuhan.  She is such an amazing girl and I was so glad we got to spend some time with her.  

Well that's the end of Bangkok, but not the end of Thailand!  Next up:  Koh Kood Island in Thailand!  

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