Hi Everyone! I hope y’all
had a great Christmas filled with lots of love and family time! Although I didn’t get to spend mine with my
family, Father really blessed me this season.
I had a great Christmas week spent with my students and friends. I got to share about Father with my students
all week, including a very cute video that they all enjoyed watching. You should check it out!The Christmas Story video I will try to recap all the fun activities
that filled my Christmas this year!
Class 13 (which is one of my favorite classes...shhh don't tell!) decorated their blackboard for Christmas! I loved it and thought it was so cute!
Last Saturday, Les and I performed at a Christmas show for the training center. We choreographed a dance to a Christmas song and performed it with the other teachers from the training center. It ended up being a lot of fun!
Les and I with Santa Claus (Lorence who is from France)
Dawn ended up being in the dance because we needed another person! Poor thing gets roped into all kinds of things because of us. She looked so pretty though!
We thought we would be performing at a small party...we were wrong! It was a huge room filled with elementary students and their parents.
Students performing
Cutie pies performing Gangnam Style! It was adorable!
Singing Christmas songs
Us with Vicki and Amy, two of the teachers who danced with us!
Our boss Celia! She is so sweet and did a great job being in charge of the show!
Saturday was a fun-filled, but very busy day! After our dance performance, we headed out to meet our high school students for Christmas caroling! We practiced singing Christmas songs in class the week before and then invited all of our students from No. 1 high school and Brad and Dana invited their students from No.3 school to join us! It was a great night! Hundreds of kids showed up!
The crowd of students ready to start singing!
I only get to teach one of my classes that I taught last year again this year. These are my students from that class! I was so happy they came! I love them. Too bad the picture didnt' turn out. :(
Michelle, one of my students in Grade 1. Her English is awesome!
Cookie, Kitty, and Sugar from Class 6! They are so sweet!
Roach with his panda hat. He wrote me a sweet Christmas card.
Tenty, another cutie!
Hatty Lee was my student last year, but then moved to No.3 school. She is now Brad's student.
My girls from Class 14! Anne, wearing the red scarf, was so excited to be there she ran up and gave me a big hug! I loved it!
Christmas Eve we went to ch.u.rch with the boy I tutor, Geoffery. He brought along two friends with him. I was so excited to go to ch.u.rch on Christmas Eve, just like I would if I was at home. It was a special night!
The blinged out ch.ur.ch for Christmas!
Christmas day was such a wonderful day! I taught two classes that morning. My students were so sweet and told me "Merry Christmas" in unison together when I walked in. Les and I then attended a school lunch with the vice headmaster and a few English teachers. It was really sweet of them to take us to lunch. They know how important this holiday is to us and wanted to treat us.
Christmas night we had dinner with the foreigners and our Chinese friends Dawn and Wu Xia! It was great to see everyone!
Baby Leila opening a gift!
All the girls: Dana, Wu Xia, me, Les, Leila, and Dawn
The whole group!
And the best gift of all....a bathtub!!!!!!!!!!!! The school treated us to a night at the fanciest hotel in Huangshi. As you know, our apartment has been under renovations for over 3 weeks now. We have been living at the dorm and it's been rough. So for Christmas night we had a wonderful treat, a bathtub and a comfy bed!!!! I was so happy! I love to take baths and it is one of the things I miss most about living in America. On Christmas Eve, Lesley and I were joking saying this would be the best Christmas ever if we could take a bath. Well, we weren't prying, but Father heard us and gave us a huge blessing!
One more wonderful surprise from Father was SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!! It snowed the day after Christmas here! Last year it didn't snow at all, so it was a nice surprise. The chunks of snow falling from the sky were much bigger than I've ever seen before. It was really beautiful!
I had on so many layers of clothing on. I look a little puffy! haha
Our itty bitty snowman
On the school field. We were like children playing in the snow. I think our students found us amusing!
Well, that was our Christmas! As much as I missed my family, Father blessed me with so many special gifts that I knew were just for me. He loves us so much! I got to spend my Christmas day teaching my students about Father and sharing His love! I can't think of a better way to spend the day!
I will leave you with a video of my kiddos singing! I hope your Christmas was as special as mine.
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