Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sports Meeting

About 2 weeks ago, we had a sports meeting at our school.  It's the same as field day in America.  All the students from Grade 1 and Grade 2 competed in various competitions for 3 days.  Lesley and I were asked to be judges, which was the PE coach's way of roping us into being there for all 3 days.  

The first day started off with an opening ceremony.  All the students presented themselves to the headmasters and teachers.  Each class came up with their own uniforms.  This part of the sports meeting was  quite similar to the Hunger Games! haha

Below are my Class 8 babies!  Yes, that is what I call them.  They are the only students I have taught for the past 2 years.  They are such a great group of kids and there are only 38 of them, so I know all of their names! Yay!  Most classes have at least 60 students. 

They are wearing the red sashes because they were the volunteers for the meeting, which means they ran errands for the PE coaches and helped out throughout the events.

Class 8 girls

Class 8 boys

Opening Ceremony pictures
Flag boys

Flower girls

Class 2 presenting themselves to the school

Class 8 again

All of the students lined up on the field!

My students Sugar and Cookie!  Their names are quite fitting.  They are both such sweet students!

The three shot put judges!  Check out our matching jackets we got for being judges!

Diana, Les, and I decided to play around a bit before the students got to us for the shot put competition.  



My student, LV1 (no idea why he chose that English name), throwing the shot put! 

Here are some of my students during the races.  Some of the students are very athletic and you can tell by what they are wearing.  They are decked out in sports attire.  Then there are the students who ran in jeans. Yes, jeans!!!!  
My students April and Roach from Class 17 during the relay race.

Mary and Mr. Lu also from Class 17.  

Two of my students from last year.  This was a very exciting race. Hurry (in the blue shorts) came from behind within the last few seconds to beat Holly (in the red).  

Hurry won!

On the second day of competition, we had just finished up our shot put duties, when one of my students runs up to me and says, "Race, teacher, race!".  His English is limited.  Then another teacher walks up to me and says, "We would like you to compete in the teachers race.".  I asked when the competition was.  They said right now!  What?????  Then Lesley and I asked how long the race was. They said 800 meters, which neither one of us knew how long that was.  They said 2 times around the track.  

I am not a runner.  I don't like running.  Never have, never will.  Not to mention the last time I actually ran was in high school.  However, this is China, so we agreed to do it.  I mean it was a teacher race, we thought,  it is probably not serious...

This is me signing the roll call sheet for the race.

Let the race begin.  Lesley even said, "That teacher is in a dress surely we can beat her."

Obviously, we were not taking this seriously as we talked and laughed.

Look at that, we finished...in last place.   I couldn't believe it!  I mean I knew we weren't going to win, but man did those teachers surprise us.  I have to say I am proud of both of us though.  It was super hot and neither one of us stopped running the whole time.  That is quite an accomplishment since we don't run EVER!  Our students were so cute too.  They were so excited to see us running that even when we came in last they said, "Teacher, you are the best!".  If only it was true.   Danen, one of my students said, "Different people is good at different things,it is ok".  haha  

The last day was for team competitions including jump roping and a race with the students legs tied together.

Class 8 kiddos again!

Getting ready for the tied foot race competition!

Now a few pictures of the one student who was most excited about the sports meeting.  This is Jeremy.  He is one of my students and also a teacher's son.  He was so excited all 3 days about the competition.  Every time I saw him, he would say, "Teacher, No.1", meaning he and his class were the best.  

As you can tell, he doesn't lack in confidence.  haha

His class ended up being the best.  They won first place overall for all of Grade 1.  He was very proud of the banners their class got for being the best!

Class 17 the winners of the competition!

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