Thursday, November 3, 2011


I’ve wanted to write a blog about my classes for a while now, so here it is!  I’ve been teaching for about 5 weeks and it is definitely getting easier and better as time goes on.  I am learning which of my classes really understand English, and which have no clue!  I teach 9 classes every week.  Most of them are Grade 1 classes, which is the equivalent to sophomores in the states.  I also teach 2 classes that are Grade 2, which would be considered juniors.  The school divides students into classes based on test scores taken at the end of middle school.  They are ranked from the best being in Class 1 to the worst in Class 16.  This basically goes against everything I learned in college.  It is interesting to see the connection between theory and practice.  Do you see! (Sorry inside joke for any of my LSU Holmies who read this haha)
I’m not going to lie at first I would get very frustrated with my Class 16, which is the lowest class in Grade 1, mainly because they were constantly misbehaving and not paying attention.  After taking a step back and trying to see life through their eyes, I realized I would probably be acting the same way if I knew I was in the lowest class and really didn’t have any expectations.  This is where grace comes in.  I am learning how to have grace with all of my students, especially my “bad” classes.  Once I let go of trying to discipline every little disturbance, teaching actually became fun again!  Yes, I am there to teach them English and I want their English to improve, but I want them to learn a lot more than that from me.  I want to show them grace, when no one else does or ever has.  I want to be patient with each and every class, no matter how much they irk me.  Most importantly I want them to see how much I care for each of them through LOVE.  It is not my own love I want them to feel, but HIS LOVE which far exceeds my own.  I want my students to know I am different, not because I am American or a foreigner, but because I am Xian and I have something that is more precious than any test score.  Some days it gets hard because at this point Lesley and I are “planting seeds”.   Since we are the first foreign teachers from our organization to teach at our school we are at the beginning of the process, whereas other people on our team are getting to water seeds planted by previous teachers.  This is when fa ith comes in and trusting Him to lead and guide my steps and my speech each and every day.   Most days I feel like I am not making an impact at all for the Kingdom, but I know this is what the enemy wants me to believe and I won’t let him deceive me with those lies.  I was having one of those days this week and then I got on QQ (instant messenger that our students use to contact us) and I had a message from one of my students.  It said, “All my classmates think you are kind and patient to us”.  This was definitely a gift from HIM and affirmation that my works are not in vain. 
Last week in particular I was able to teach a more “meaningful” lesson that involved friendship and the Golden Rule.  I brought the Book into my class for the first time.  Most of my students have never heard of Xianity/the Book.  Although I did not get to fully explain it, I’m realizing even baby steps of introducing what the Book is and explaining how it impacts my life is progress.  I first went over what characteristics they think makes a good friend.  I started off with someone who is kind, loyal, and patient.  I told them I learned how to be a good friend from the Book.  Then I let my class tell me words that describe a good friend.  One of the characteristics all of my classes said was outgoing.  I wrote that word on the board and then asked my class if they thought I was outgoing.  They all yelled back at me saying that I was VERY outgoing.  To them I am the craziest teacher they have ever had.  Most of their teachers are very serious and strict, I’m the exact opposite.  When I told them at home in America most of my friends consider me to be quiet and shy, they couldn’t believe it.  I explained that you could be outgoing or shy and still be a good friend.  It is so interesting to see their perspective of me.  After going over this and the Golden Rule, we learned the song “I’ll Be There for You” by the Rembrandts more commonly known as the Friends Theme song.  They loved it and I was able to connect the Golden Rule to the song.  I really do enjoy teaching and truly love my students.  I am also getting to spend more one on one time with some of my students, which has been great!  Please be prying for me to have more opportunities for meeting with students and sharing more about my life and most importantly about Him and His love.
I wanted to leave you with a video clip from one of my classes.  I start each class off with either a brain teaser or tongue twister.  This week I taught them “How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?”  This clip isn’t that great, but it will give you a little taste of what my classes are like.  Enjoy!

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